Our 2022 Paid Leave Survey - Candidate Responses

We reached out to every candidate running in PA’s November 8, 2022 election to ask where they stand on paid leave.

Paid leave programs provide a portion of a worker's pay while they take time away from work due to a medical need, to recover following a health-related incident, or provide care for a family member.

Where do your local candidates stand on paid leave?

  1. Click the PA region you wish to view below.

  2. Find your local district numbers here: vote411.org/ballot

  3. Remember to vote on November 8!
    (You can request a mail-in ballot and learn more about voting by mail in PA by clicking here.)

View responses from the candidates on your local ballot!
Select your PA region:

The Family Care Campaign is a nonpartisan entity. The inclusion of a candidate's survey response does not in any way constitute an endorsement. This list of responses is provided for public educational purposes only.

The Family Care Campaign has attempted to reach out to every candidate, regardless of party, for whom contact information was available. If you are a candidate or part of a campaign and would like to complete the survey for inclusion in this guide, please contact info@familycareact.com